Invest in the Future of Lake Ridge Academy

At Lake Ridge Academy, we foster a learning environment that empowers students to become confident, critical thinkers prepared to thrive in a changing world. Your generous support plays a vital role in making that vision a reality. Can you imagine Lake Ridge Academy with 25% fewer teachers or 25% less technology, laboratories, or classrooms? Since no student pays more than 75% of the cost of a Lake Ridge education, ALL students are supported by gifts that make their Lake Ridge experiences possible.
Give now, or keep reading to learn about all our giving options!

List of 4 items.

  • Annual Fund

    Every Annual Fund gift is essential. The Annual Fund is the school’s largest and most important giving priority. Donations to the Annual Fund go to immediate operational support, meaning that the money is used to support that year’s classes, programs, clubs, and sports. Every student and teacher benefits from the Annual Fund, and donors can direct their Annual Fund donation to a cause that matters most to them. 
  • SGO Tax Credit

    Through the Ohio Association of Independent Schools Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO), taxpayers can receive credit on their Ohio income tax returns for contributions made to Lake Ridge Academy. There is virtually no cost to you — you are simply redirecting a portion of the state tax you would be required to pay anyway! To take advantage of the SGO program, you must: 1) have Ohio state tax liability (found on Ohio IT 1040, line 8c), 2) make your contribution through the OAIS SGO site here, and 3) not exceed the maximum credit amount (for 2023 single taxpayers, the maximum is $750; for joint filers, $1500).
  • Endowment

    Donations to the Lake Ridge Academy endowment provide stability and long-term financial growth. The school’s endowment supports our mission in perpetuity. While the Annual Fund supports the school today, donations to the endowment support the school’s future.
  • Planned Giving

    Though it costs you nothing now, including Lake Ridge Academy in your planned giving is a powerful way to leave a lasting legacy. With testamentary gifts, donors can make gifts through a will or trust, beneficiary designations on financial accounts or life insurance policies, or revocable bequests. Through life income gifts like charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, and gift annuities, donors can plan a gift while ensuring income for themselves and their loved ones. To learn more about making your gift last a lifetime, first meet with your financial professional or estate planner, then contact Dr. Megan Zahler at


Make a life-changing impact by helping deserving students experience a Lake Ridge education. Choose from current-use scholarships that provide immediate financial assistance or create an endowed scholarship in someone's honor, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations. Since Lake Ridge Academy’s earliest days, the school has worked hard to ensure that we are accessible to academically prepared students even when they require financial assistance. 

List of 3 items.

  • Current Use Scholarships

    By designating your Annual Fund gift to scholarships, you can make a difference for any student who hopes to experience a Lake Ridge education. Your gift will be directed to students in the year it is made and may support one or more students depending on their level of financial need.
  • Endowed Scholarships

    Gifts of $50,000 or more may be directed to the general endowed scholarship fund, which will benefit students every year in perpetuity.
  • Named Endowed Scholarships

    Gifts of $100,000 or more can be used to name an endowed scholarship in someone’s honor. The scholarship will be awarded to one or more students each year in perpetuity, and the recipients will be made aware of who has helped provide their education.

Funding Levels

List of 3 items.

  • $10,000 per year for three or four years

    Donors can change the life of a single scholarship applicant with a gift at this level during a student’s entire high school experience.
  • $12,500 per year for four years

    Donors who make gifts at this level will help to sustain the program for future applicants. $2,500 each year ($10,000 total) will be placed in an endowment fund to support Public Service Scholarship applicants in perpetuity.
  • $25,000 per year for four years

    Donors can support a scholarship recipient while simultaneously honoring a public servant (e.g., the John Smith Public Service Scholarship could honor a fire chief or veteran who died in the line of duty). Up to $40,000 will provide immediate support for a student’s entire high school experience, and the balance will be placed into an endowed fund and given to future applicants in perpetuity.

Have a Different Investment Idea?

Contact the Advancement team to discuss your giving thoughts and ideas!
Lake Ridge Academy is the only independent college preparatory school on Cleveland's west side. Our co-educational curriculum offers a unique blend of academics, extracurricular activities, and a focus on character development, all on our beautiful 93-acre campus. With a student-teacher ratio of 8:1, our devoted faculty provides personalized attention to help every student thrive.